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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on
Idlib Terrorists Get Chlorine, Prepare for False Flag Attack

Idlib Terrorists Get Chlorine, Prepare for False Flag Attack

Sunday 16 September 2018
Tomahawk cruise missiles, while the USS The Sullivans was deployed to the Persian Gulf and a B-1B Lancer strategic bomber was moved to an air base in Qatar. Most recently, the USS Bulkeley (DDG-84), an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, entered the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar. Last w ...
Israeli Regime’s FM Threatens Iran with Missile Attack

Israeli Regime’s FM Threatens Iran with Missile Attack

Sunday 8 December 2019 ،
Tomahawk missiles at Tehran, he said. By the red line, Katz meant, We will not allow Iran to acquire or stockpile nuclear weapons. If that is the last option - we will act militarily. Iran has repeatedly enunciated its nuclear program as exclusively civilian, subject to the most intensive UN ...
Russian Jets Intercept Israeli Warplanes over Syria

Russian Jets Intercept Israeli Warplanes over Syria

Monday 9 December 2019 ،
Tomahawk missiles at Tehran,” he said. The aggressive rhetoric heats up as Israel finds itself on the verge of a third election in less than a year unless politicians can put aside differences and form a coalition by midnight Wednesday. In this drawn-out campaign season, Israeli leaders ...
Reasons behind Israeli leaders’ Threats against Iran

Reasons behind Israeli leaders’ Threats against Iran

Wednesday 11 December 2019 ،
Tomahawk missiles at Tehran.”  But the Israelis are very well aware that such a “foolishness”, as the Iranian officials say, will be met with an unimaginable reaction by Tehran. So, Tel Aviv’s ostensibly remarks of power are driven by big and constant fear and frustrati ...
China Condemns ‘Extremely Dangerous” Move in Taiwan Strait

China Condemns ‘Extremely Dangerous” Move in Taiwan Strait

Thursday 26 March 2020 ،
Tomahawk cruise missiles, carried out a “routine” freedom of navigation mission through the sensitive 180 km-wide Taiwan Strait. Anthony Junco, a Navy spokesman, said the ship carried out a “routine Taiwan Strait transit March 25 (local time) in accordance with international law.& ...
US military Buildup in Eastern Europe "Destructive": Russia

US military Buildup in Eastern Europe "Destructive": Russia

Thursday 3 February 2022 ،
Tomahawk cruise missiles at bases in Romania and Poland – on the condition that Russia reciprocates with its own “transparency measures”.
Tension in the Red Sea; Ansarullah ready to challenge America

Tension in the Red Sea; Ansarullah ready to challenge America

Monday 15 January 2024 ،
Tomahawk missiles. The American official mentioned that the strikes against Yemen focused on radar sites, drone platforms, missiles, and coastal surveillance and patrol locations. Speaking to Al Jazeera, the official stated, 'The assaults on Yemeni positions have concluded, yet we maintain the p ...
New airstrikes launched by the U.S. against Yemeni forces as conflict intensifies

New airstrikes launched by the U.S. against Yemeni forces as conflict intensifies

Sunday 14 January 2024 ،
Tomahawk missiles were launched from the US Navy's USS Carney targeting a radar site of the Yemeni forces. Nasreddin Amer, the Yemeni force deputy information secretary stated that they would retaliate with a “strong and effective response”. Meanwhile, Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spok ...
US and Britain Will See Damage from Hasty Military Action against Yemen: Expert

US and Britain Will See Damage from Hasty Military Action against Yemen: Expert

Thursday 8 February 2024 ،
Tomahawk cruise missiles were used. Biden in a statement said that these attacks were a clear message that the US and its partners will not turn a blind eye to the attacks on their personnel and endangerment of the freedom of navigation.  The US Secretary of Defense Loyd Austin, for his part, ...
Why aren’t Western multi-million-dollar missiles able to counter cheap Yemeni drones?

Why aren’t Western multi-million-dollar missiles able to counter cheap Yemeni drones?

Monday 15 April 2024 ،
Tomahawk cruise missiles, with each launch costing over two million dollars. The significant setback faced by the Western powers against the weaponry and unwavering resolve of the Yemenis in an imbalanced conflict has gained global attention. The excessive expenses incurred by the United States an ...




Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad

Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad